Wheel-throwing & Handbuilding Workshops at Mitra Mahmoodi Ceramics
As a ceramist who splits her time between both wheel-throwing and hand-building to create both functional and sculptural works at my studio, I am happy to offer both wheel-throwing and hand-building workshops exclusively for adults. You may be a complete pottery beginner and looking for a taster session or an experienced ceramicist looking for advanced ceramics teaching to improve your technical skills on the potter’s wheel.
Private & Small-group sessions
Wheel-throwing workshops at my studio are private. This private session will allow you to progress more quickly, allowing me to help you quickly and encourage good technique. I have designed the classes this way because so many of my past students had frustrating experiences waiting for help at other, large group workshops and ended up struggling later with bad habits. Whether you’re a complete pottery beginner or developing your wheel-throwing technique, a private session means less waiting for tutor attention and more time throwing on the wheel, and that can only be a good thing.
Handbuildng workshops can be an either private or small group sessions.
This workshop offers the beginning of hand-building techniques of pinching, coiling, and slab-building for functional ware or small sculptural work.
You are welcome to come with your own ideas or simply follow along and let your creativity blossom during the mindful 2:30 hours of making.
If you are interested to take a class with me, please contact me via email and I will get back to you asap. My email address is: mitramahmoodiceramics@gmail.com